Body Fat Reduction, Clifton Bristol - Serenity Beauty & Hair
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Body Fat Reduction, Clifton Bristol

Body Fat Reduction, Clifton Bristol

Lipo Angel is a non invasive fat reduction programme 

Non invasive Fat reduction is safe and Painless, No Side effects, Shapes the body and lifts the face. Suitable for all skin types.

What the treatment does to the Body and Face

Ultra Sound Cavitation

Targets and Destroys fat cells on arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs and improves skin elasticity.

Radio Frequency

This shapes the body burns the fat improves cellulite on targeted areas eg abdomen, hips, legs.

Micro Current and Photo Light Therapy

This rejuvenates repairs the skin also heals the skin also good for the face.  Treats fine lines and wrinkles, expression aging lifts jowls, eyelids, double chins, improves muscle tone in face and body, benefits non – invasive skin firming. Increases blood circultationby 35% increases collagen thickness in connective tissue 10% increases collagen elastin productivity 45% nourishes and Hydrates the appearance of the skin

About the course

Its advised that only one area is treated on any one day.  Duration of each session is recommended for 60 minutes.  We suggest you have 6 to 12 sessions.  Between each treatment you need 72 hours so the body can eliminate the fat, repeated sessions on the same treated area can be carried out no more than once in 7 days and no more than 12 sessions.

Consultation and Trial:  £70

Course of Twelve: £2,040

Course of Six: £1,020

Facial Treatment: £65


Frequently asked questions

Q1 Can I lose weight with ultrasonic Cavitation?

A: Cavitation is not a method of weight loss.  It is designed to reshape and Sculpt the body and to remove localised stubborn fat or Cellulite.  Lipo Angel treatments work best when combined with low fat Carbohydrate diet and regular exercise and this will help you to lose weight.


Q2: How long should I wait after child birth to have cavitation treatments?

A: you must be a minimum of 3 months after normal child birth or minimum 6  months after a C section.  It is best to get GP approval post childbirth prior to commencing cavitation Lipo.


Q3: What would happened if I had Lipo Angel cavitation during my period?

A: Ultrasound increases blood flow and you would feel very uncomfortable.


Q4: Is Cavitation Safe if a women has a fitted contraception coil?

A: Yes this is not a contraindication.


Q5: How many treatments can I have

A: We recommend you have a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 treatments before having a break of 4 weeks to allow your body to recover. You should allow 72 hours between treatments.


Q6: How soon will I see a result?

A:  Most clients will have a noticeable reduction in their measurements after the very first treatment, some have recorded 5 inches the average however is 2 inches loss.  The process of fat removal continues for up to 7 days after each treatment.  So it isn’t unusual to see a further decrease a day or two after your initial treatment.


Q7: Is the Fat reduction permanent?

A: YES, the fat cells are fractured, broken down and the cells are drained away through the liver and passed as waste from the body.  As long as you maintain a healthy life style and drink plenty of water then your reduction will remain.


Q8: How long is a treatment?

A:  The Whole service including consultation and measurement will be between 45 mins to no more than and hour.


Q9:  Do I have to rest afterwards?

A: No the great thing about the Lipo Angel service is that you can go about your day as normal,  We do advice you to increase your water intake by 2 litres to help with the fat removal.


Q10:  Is there an age limit?

A: Yes, It is company policy to not provide the Lipo Angel  service to anyone under the age of 18.


Q11:  Can I have more than one area treated if I pay?

A: No the body has to work hard to remove the excess fat that is now passing through the Lymphatic system to the liver. Treating multiple areas is not advisable and not be effective. 

Follow the rule, of one area, one treatment every 72 hours and you will see rapid results.


Q12: What if I do not see any results straight away?

A:  It is important to remember that everyone is different, and your body will work according to your bodies metabolism.  You will see reduction during a course of treatments that is why we recommend at least 6 to get a great result.


Q13:  Can I combine the Lip Cavitation with the ‘Non Surgical Face Lift’

AYes absolutely you can, this is a different treatment to the Lipo cavitation.  The micro lift and photon therapy stimulates cell renewal and collagen production, tones the muscles of the face to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improves and lifts sagging skin.


Q14:  What Can I do  at home to help with the treatments?

A:  Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol before and after your service, try and increase you heart rate by taking some exercise and avoid too many carbohydrates.

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